February 23, 2011

Modern Spin on Wisdom

Wisdom brings up her own children and 
cares for those who seek her.

Whoever loves her, loves life.

Those who seek her early 
will be filled with joy.

Whoever possesses her, 
will inherit honor and be blessed.

Those who follow her direction 
will be on the path to peace.

Whoever pays attention to her, 
dwells secure.

If you listen to the inner voice, 
you will inherit her.

At first, she may seem vague, 
bringing confusion to you, 
but she is trying to discipline you 
until she can trust you, 
testing your willingness to listen.

She then comes becomes understandable 
and makes you happy,
revealing her secrets to you.

If you go astray, however, 
it will seem as though she has abandoned you,
leaving you to your own destruction.

But never fear, 
she is always waiting for you to listen, 
once again.

-Original Source, Ecclesiasticus/ Sirach 4:11-19

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