December 24, 2012

Managing Stress: Part 4


"When the student is ready the teacher will show up." This is a very common phrase spoken in the self-development field.  Most of the time in life, we are asked to become better versions of ourselves by growing.  Well, growing typically happens under difficult conditions.  That is why we can call our problems, growth opportunities.  When we come from this perspective we will have a different approach to the life storms and will no longer be in a state of stress, but rather a state of growth.   

Stress is a natural response but after a certain point, if you do not know how to turn it off, it can cause major damage to your health, mood, productivity, relationships and quality of life.  This point is different for everyone, so the forth step we will take on this journey is to begin to accept (rather than fight) life.  

Begin to ACCEPT the outcome by following these tips: 

Stay detached from the outcome

  • Learn to detach from the outcome by recognizing that reality is the winner.  If you have an idea and then reality is different, change your idea and you will end suffering.
  • Remember the only thing you can change is yourself.
  • If someone is stressing you out, change your response to them. 
Look for the upside to: life, situations, and people.

  • When facing major challenges try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth instead of things that are trying to bring you down.
  • Share yourself with those around you, be yourself and open up to life! 

Learn to forgive

  • We live in an imperfect world and people make mistakes, but if we take the approach that every mistake is a growth opportunity, we can become better! (I can't emphasize this point enough!) 
  • Forgiveness unlocks your heart.  Learn to take a deep breath and relax the space around your heart when you think about those you need to forgive and release. 

That is it.  The four steps to de-stressing: awareness, acting, adapting, and accepting   If at any time you feel you cannot deal with the conditions of your life, reach out to a life coach, a therapist or a counselor to get some help.  Your fears seem so much bigger on the inside that they are, help is out there, look into it, it may be more affordable than you think. 

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